Moses Selebatso |
Kalahari Research & Conservation
Programs Director/Researcher |
Moses has more than 19 years of experience in Ecological Research and Conservation mostly on drylands ecosystems, wildlife habitat distributions, and movements, Human Wildlife Conflict and Community-Based Natural Resources Management. He completed his PhD on wildebeest ecology in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in 2017. He currently works for Kalahari Research and Conservation Trust and Raptors Botswana as a researcher coordinating studies on lions, springboks, wilddogs and vultures. He has been involved in the CKGR and Makgadikgadi Lion research data collection and monitoring. He was involved in the development of Conditioned Taste Aversion project on trans-located problem lions in the Kalahari Transfronteir Park and CKGR. He represents Raptors Botswana and KRC on wildlife poisoning issues in the southern and eastern part of Botswana.
Selebatso M, Maude G & Fynn RWS. (2018). Adaptive foraging of sympatric ungulates in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Botswana. African Journal of Wildlife Research. 23005.